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PASSPORT-USA offers private online English lessons and connects you with teachers in United States. You can take classes anywhere, anytime and from any device, such as computer, smartphone or tablet. We are the number 1 online English school in Brazil and offer the best price in the market per class. Practicing conversation every day is the best way to improve your English.


Our Mission as an online english course is to promote the english language and culture to a diversity population giving the

opportunity to excel and master the english language as universal


Our Teachers  

Our teachers are graduated from well named universities in the

United States with high level of english proficiency. Our teachers are dedicated to provide high quality online education engaging the student in a level to succeed with great results.

Eu me sinto grata pela oportunidade de estudar ingles com o passaport usa , muito bom o curso. Sou dona de casa e nao tenho tempo de sair nesse transito caotico de Sao Paulo.


Maria Euclides da Cunha - Sao Paulo / Brasil


Nao tenho tempo de ir a um curso que fica 50 minutos distante da minha casa, passportusa me ajuda e muito a conquistar a lingua Inglesa, horas flexiveis obrigado.


Marcos Araujo Bornel - Rio de Janeiro / Brasil


Vale a pena ressaltar que o curso e facil de se memorizar e entender, tive dificuldades com a pronuncia das palavras em Ingles, mas com o tempo consegui ajustar a minha acentuacao para corretamente pronunciar as palavras, " THANKS ".

Lucelia de Moraes - Sao Bernardo do Campo / Sao Paulo


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